Walmart Cyber Monday PS5 & Series X Restock Confirmed: When and How To Succeed
When the restock will occur, how to succeed, & how to bypass the queue timer glitch
Walmart has confirmed that the PS5 and Series X will be available for Walmart+ members on Cyber Monday. When navigating to their product pages, it is stated that Walmart+ member will have early access, and the “exclusive gaming console drop” goes live at 12PM Eastern Time on 11/29.
As usual, the restock will be first come first serve, and only paid Walmart+ members will be eligible to participate. For extra clarification, free trials of Walmart+ will not be eligible to purchase a Series X or PS5 during the drop.
Click Here to Buy a Walmart+ membership ($12.95/month or $98/year)
*Note that you absolutely can cancel your membership with no penalty after securing a console, if you do not wish to keep it.
Links to Next Gen Consoles at Walmart
PS5 Disc | PS5 Digital | SeriesX | SeriesS
How exactly do Walmart restocks work?
Now that you’re a Walmart+ member, you are ready to start participating in their online restock events. But to maximize your chances for success, there are things you need to know.
Walmart has recently started implementing a Timed Queue during restocks
With a queue, you are placed in line, first come first serve. With this process you simply have to wait until your timer goes to zero and you are given the opportunity to purchase the console being sold in the restock event.
The problem is, for many people, the queue timer gets stuck at 1 minute and never gives them a chance to buy.
How to Bypass Walmart’s Queue Glitch And Actually Score a Console
Once the drop goes live, I will tweet a notification with links to the product pages on my Twitter page. Once you click on one of those links, you will enter the restock queue and you will be given a time that represents a countdown.
From there the countdown starts and you are given 2 options:
Stay in line
Or save your place in line and continue shopping
During the last Walmart drop, I wanted to find out if there was any difference in the two options. As a test, I chose to keep one page open in the original queue, and continued shopping in a separate browser tab to see if there were any differences in the accuracy, speed, and success of the countdown.
And there was.
I tested both options, so you won’t have to